Monday, September 27, 2010

A Confession

I cannot 1cc any Touhou game above normal difficulty. That's just too much shit flying everywhere and I'm not about to remember all those patterns.
What is this bullshit??? I mean really how can someone get through this? You need some fucking lightning fast reflexes for this. I play every day and I don't get better... maybe I'm just a casual. Anyway good job to you hardcore lunatic people, I envy you.


  1. Best I can do is play through MoF stages one and two on lunatic.

    I guess you'll have to watch replays for this. That's what most people recommend.

  2. I'm not very good at them either. Maybe I should play them more often.

  3. I play them every day but I see VERY slow progress. When I started I couldn't 1cc easy, now I can get through most of the game on hard with 1 continue. I don't watch videos either cause..I have no clue lol

  4. It's not about reflexes. That type of thinking will only get you killed.

    Learn the patterns and surf the flow of bullets.

    Although, admittedly, I'm at about the same skill level you're at.

  5. UFO is the only game I can't 1CC on Hard. I found that playing as Reimu with homing/spread shot type helped me bust through most stages without being bombarded with bullets. The down side, of course, is that you won't damage single target enemies as much. Clearing extra stages helped me read the flow/pattern of bullets fairly quickly so you may want to try that.

  6. It really helps to only ever play on Lunatic difficulty and just use every trick you can to survive. Before I used to always go for all the spellcards and could never make it past a few stages on hard without dying and continuing a few times.

    I was playing MoF recently though now that somebody mentioned it. The first and second stage are easy enough on Lunatic but I can't seem to get past Sanae without repeatedly continuing.

  7. Don't feel bad, a lot of people can't beat the game on normal modo. More than half I would guess. I've only 1CC'd a couple of the games through pure persistence.

  8. Keep watching replays of other players to gain some insight on how they do it. Touhou, and shmups in general aren't as hard as everyone makes them out to be, it just takes more dedication and practicing than todays generation of games demand. Also, just focus on one game you really like, and once you can beat that one on hard it won't take as long to do the others. Good luck!

  9. Don't feel bad bro, I can't even do well in Normal mode to begin with.

    Bullet games and I...

    ...just no.

  10. I've been wanting to try Touhou out
